Muffins for In Store Bakery
The consumer trends are clear — Muffins for In Store Bakery continue to be a rising opportunity, with strong consumer demand that shows no sign of slowing down.
Increasingly, shoppers are discovering gourmet muffins are a convenient option not just for breakfast and brunch, but for all-day grab-and-go snacking and late night cravings.
But why rely on pre-made, prepackaged muffins, when baking fresh can be so easy with Pre-Deposited Muffins from CraftMark Bakery? Our frozen pre-deposited muffin batters are Ready to Bake, and unlike other muffin suppliers, we can pre-top ours with a variety of garnishes like streusel, fruits, and chocolates, so you don’t have to.
Just pop our freezer-to-oven pre-portioned muffin batter trays into your pans, and bake!
Pre-deposited Muffin Batters for Retail In-Store Bakery
We’re so excited about the power of pre-deposited muffin batter (PDM) we wrote a whole page about it. Why mess with scratch baking, commercial muffin mix, or scoop and bake muffin batter, when you can save time in the kitchen with Ready to Bake muffins? (Nobody wants to do those dishes.)
Pre-Portioned Muffin Batter
Freezer-to-Oven Convenience
Available in 5.4oz
Popular Everyday Flavor Profiles — Plus Seasonal Specialty Muffin flavors!
Superior Food Safety — SQF Certified Muffin Supplier
Certified OU Kosher Muffins
Top Flavors of Pre-deposited Muffins for In Store Bakery
Best Muffins for In Store Bakery
Blueberry Muffins
Banana Nut Muffins
Chocolate Chip Muffins
Pistachio Muffins
Double Chocolate Muffins
Cinnamon Chip Muffins
Almond Poppy Muffins
Raisin Bran Muffins
Top Seasonal & Holiday Muffins for In Store Bakery
Pumpkin Muffins
Cranberry Orange Muffins
ISB Muffin Suppliers With a Modern Mixery
At CraftMark Bakery, we are ISB muffin suppliers with a highly-automated PDM line built to meet the highest bakery quality and safety standards. As private label muffin suppliers, we manufacture our in store bakery muffins with your confirmed order. Ask about our ready made muffins and prepackaged muffin product bakery capabilities.
Unlike other commercial bulk muffin suppliers, here is no frozen muffin batter sitting around in our frozen warehouse. This means only the freshest product gets shipped to your locations, and minimum order quantities and standard lead times apply.
Of all the private labeling bakeries, CraftMark is the preferred leader in gourmet pre-deposited frozen muffin batters for ISB.
In Store Bakery Muffin Trends
Need some statistics to make the case for making a muffin move in your instore bakery? Consider these fresh muffin facts:
Muffins in ISB Bakery Perimeter is a $1.5B category and growing with unit sales up nearly 3% VS. PY ¹
Bakery breakfast — which includes sweet goods, donuts, bagels and of course muffins — is enjoying a prolonged trend of positive sales growth within In-Store Bakeries, likely the result of being convenient options for busy consumers ²
Learn More: Wholesale Muffin Batters for Retail In-store Bakery
Ready to transform your In-Store Bakery muffin program with CraftMark Bakery?
Tell us about your PDM muffin needs with the form below and we’ll get back to you right away! Until then, check out this incredible case study: How a Powerful Top 10 Grocery Brand Streamlined In-Store Bakery Ops with PreDeposited Muffin Batter
¹ Circa 52 Week ending 12/1/24 ² Mintel ISB Report