Cookie Recipe Formulation: A Cookie R&D Case Study


How our rapid cookie R&D and commercialization process saved the day for a

Top QSR’s value meal promotion.


The Challenge:
Staving Off a Cookie Supply Crisis.

This QSR favorite had just launched a value meal promotion that included a cookie, but they were having issues with their cookie dough supplier. To prevent a supply crisis, they approached the cookie experts at CraftMark Bakery with a requirement to develop, launch, and ship a new cookie recipe formulation — all in just a few weeks!


The Craftmark Bakery Solution:
A Clean Label Match in Record Time.

The cookie recipe development team at CraftMark Bakery rapidly delivered a bench sample cookie that was a very close match to the customer’s current one, while at the same time converting it to a Clean Label recipe — a double win. The customer enthusiastically approved the test cookie dough, and within a few days, they sent over the contract. They quickly flew in a 3rd party auditor to approve our bakery. And shortly after that, CraftMark Bakery was in full production, rapidly shipping product to the customer’s locations.

woman eating a cookie

Cookie R&d Best Practices:
Process Matching and Smart Sourcing.

CraftMark Bakery’s cookie research and development process for this project included testing with the exact ovens this QSR customer uses in all their restaurants, to ensure the new cookie recipe formulation would bake up correctly at all locations. In addition, given that supply chain interruption was a chief concern for this customer, CraftMark focused on using Clean Label ingredients we were certain we could reliably source.

Cookie Innovation Take-Aways:
Align the Team for Speed.

Reverse engineering of cookie recipes requires an incredible depth of formulation expertise, teamwork, and confidence, and doing it so quickly is all the more challenging. The wholesale cookies category expertise of CraftMark Bakery’s innovation experts, combined with our flexible ERP system and highly automated cookie dough manufacturing capabilities, enabled us to match a cookie dough recipe, optimize it for both ingredient supply and Clean Label, and get it into production and shipped out the door — all without compromising on our Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s) and food safety standards.


Craftmark Bakery: Your Cookie R&d and Commercialization Partner.

When your next foodservice cookie program calls for formula matching precision, operational speed, and commercialization expertise, contact the foodservice cookie R&D experts at CraftMark Bakery. Start the conversation with the form below:


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